Why You Should See a Surgeon for Wisdom Teeth Surgery

Your family dentist is akin to your general practitioner; they are who you want to see for your annual check ups and cleanings, and who you would call if you were having a dental issue that required a referral to a specialist for resolution. However, if you are in need of wisdom tooth extraction you may want to visit an oral surgeon who specializes in wisdom teeth surgery and not your regular dentist, and here’s why
They Have Received Extensive Training in Wisdom Teeth Surgery
While both oral surgeons and dentists have completed degrees in dentistry, an oral (and maxillofacial) surgeon needs to complete an additional 4 to 6 years of training, including a surgical residency, in order to become an oral surgeon. An oral surgeon has the experience and training to specialize in all types of oral surgery, including simple and more complicated cases of wisdom teeth surgery. While a general dentist has received some training in wisdom tooth extraction, the majority of their practice involves addressing cleanings, cavities, and crowns. Conversely, an oral surgeon practices only oral surgery.
They Can Use IV Sedation
Another benefit of seeing a surgeon for wisdom teeth surgery is the ability to be put under IV sedation for the procedure. Wisdom tooth extraction is a painful procedure which will never be preformed without some sort of sedation, but while a general dentist can only offer a localized anesthetic or nitrous oxide, a dental surgeon can use IV sedation. Both a localized aesthetic and nitrous oxide will eliminate any potential pain during the procedure, however you will be fully conscious while the extraction is performed. With IV sedation on the other hand, not only will you feel no pain during the procedure, but you won’t even be awake to remember it happening at all.
Unfortunately, for the vast majority of us, wisdom teeth surgery is a just another part of growing up, sort of like a rite of passage into adulthood. But this isn’t just a surgical trend. Wisdom teeth are similar to an appendix, you have them, but you don’t need them. For many young adults however, these non-essential teeth are not just a passive ancestral remnant; left unchecked they can cause serious damage to the surrounding teeth as well jaw pain and misalignment due to overcrowding. If you are considering extraction, make sure you speak with an oral surgeon who specializes in wisdom teeth surgery.